Mons and its region have no less than 7 heritages listed on the UNESCO World Heritage list! From the 6,000-year-old Neolithic flint mines of Spiennes to the Universal Bibliographic Index, veritable ‘Google of paper’, all of them, very different in form, time and expression, represent an exceptional value for the common heritage of mankind. This universal value, combined with certain criteria, defines their eligibility for inscription on this list. In 2024, there are 1,199 listed sites worldwide, divided into tangible and intangible cultural, natural and mixed heritage.
⚠️ Please refer to the “additional informations” to know the specificities of the land.
This treasure hunt has been arranged in collaboration with:
Entrance to SNCB station
🚨The starting and finishing points are +/- 700m apart. Please take this into account when planning your trip. 😊
🅿️ Paid parking lots close the start of the hunt.
🚂 🚌Accessible by train and bus (Mons SNCB station – all Grand Mons lines)
ℹ️ Facilities at departure/arrival point. Refreshments available halfway along the route (subject to availability).
👶 Pushchair accessible
🍺🥕 Possibility to buy local products
📢 Some of the routes are similar to the other treasure hunts in Mons. However, the points of interest vary, and the theme is more focused on the UNESCO World Heritage.
This hunt will make you win
70 toteez
🎁 After the hunt, you can pick up your Totemus badge for Hainaut Province at the UNESCO Heritage Centre (rue des Clercs 32, 7000 MONS, from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 6 pm), at the youth hostel (Rampe du Château 2) and at VisitMons (Tourist Office - 27 Grand-Place).
The hunt is 100% free !
To participate in our hunts, download our app on your smartphone and have fun !
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No planned downtime at the moment
What will the weather be like in Mons in the next 5 days?
717 participants on the route