• Le puzzle ne fonctionne pas, que faire ?

    Pouvez-vous cliquer sur l'icône représentant 3 petits points en haut à droite de l'écran, puis sur « Rafraîchir les données ». Cette manipulation devrait recharger correctement le puzzle 🤞🧩 !
  • Je suis certain d’être au bon endroit, mais je n'arrive pas à valider ma position, que puis-je faire ?

    Pas d'inquiétude ! Vous pouvez tenter de cliquer sur l'icône des 3 petits points en haut à droite de l'écran, cliquer sur « Rafraîchir les données » et voir si cela fonctionne mieux ? Vous devrez probablement patienter un peu le temps que votre position s’actualise avant de réessayer. Si cela ne fonctionne pas, pouvez-vous aller sur Google Maps et voir si vous êtes positionnés au bon endroit ?
  • La carte pour me rendre au point suivant ne s'affiche pas, je ne sais pas continuer…

    Il arrive parfois que la carte ne s'affiche pas. Pas d'inquiétude ! Vous pouvez tenter de cliquer sur le petit lien « Actualiser » dans le coin supérieur gauche de la carte. Si cela ne change rien, pouvez-vous cliquer sur l'icône représentant 3 petits points en haut à droite de l'écran, puis sur « Rafraîchir les données ». Vous devrez probablement patienter un peu le temps que votre position s’actualise. Cette manipulation devrait normalement résoudre le problème 🤞 !
  • The directions are not displayed, what can I do?

    It is possible that the direction pictures are not displayed. If this is the case, please relaunch the Totemus application to update.
  • The symbol grid is not displayed. I don't know how to finish the hunt.

    Indeed, sometimes the symbol grid is not displayed. Don't worry! We recommend you to restart the Totemus-application for an update.
  • Je suis sûr de ma réponse, mais celle-ci n'est pas acceptée par l'application…

    Si vous êtes certains de votre réponse, nous vous encourageons vérifier l'orthographe ce celle-ci. Il arrive que parfois, un espace en trop et/ou un caractère non désiré se soient glissés dans votre réponse 😉.Néanmoins, si cela ne fonctionne toujours pas, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter via le bouton ci-dessous, nous tenterons de vous aider rapidement ⚡️ ! Pour certaines étapes, vous avez la possibilité de passer celle-ci en cliquant sur le lien sous le bouton de validation de l'étape.
  • J'ai beau chercher, je ne trouve pas la réponse…

    D'autres personnes ont récemment validé cette étape, la réponse est donc bien accessible 😊.Néanmoins, si vous ne trouvez pas, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter via le bouton ci-dessous, nous tenterons de vous aider rapidement ⚡️ ! Pour certaines étapes, vous avez la possibilité de passer celle-ci en cliquant sur le lien sous le bouton de validation de l'étape.
  • Je suis perdu … Que puis-je faire ?

    Si vous êtes perdu ou que vous ne parvenez pas à trouver le bon endroit, la première chose à faire est de revenir à l'étape précédente et de relire attentivement les instructions. D’autres joueurs ont récemment terminé le parcours : il est donc plus que probable que vous ayez manqué une information importante 😊.
  • I am stuck on a question. Can I skip this step?

    Unfortunately, you cannot skip steps, but all the answers are on the route. If you still cannot find the answer to a question, please contact us via the button provided and tell us about your problem.
  • I am stuck on a question. Can I skip this step?

    Unfortunately, you cannot skip steps, but all the answers are on the route. If you still cannot find the answer to a question, please contact us via the button provided and tell us about your problem.
  • I'm lost, I can't find the right place... What can I do?

    If you get lost or can't find the right place, the first thing to do is to go back to the previous step and read the instructions again carefully. You may have missed some important information 😊.If you still can't find the right place, don't hesitate to contact us to let us know so that we can help you continue the adventure.
  • The directions are not displayed, what can I do?

    It is possible that the direction pictures are not displayed. If this is the case, please relaunch the Totemus application to update.
  • I am in the right place, but I cannot validate my position, what can I do?

    It happens that some phones have a problem with geolocation. In order to solve it, we recommend you to restart the Totemus application for an update.
  • The answer to the question is no longer legible, what can I do?

    Unfortunately, it happens that some objects of the territory are damaged over time and you can't identify the answer. If this is the case, please contact us to let us know and so that we can help you continue the adventure.
  • The symbol grid is not displayed. I don't know how to finish the hunt.

    Indeed, sometimes the symbol grid is not displayed. Don't worry! We recommend you to restart the Totemus-application for an update.
  • The map to the next point is not visible, I cannot continue.

    Indeed, sometimes the map does not appear. Don't worry! We recommend you restart the Totemus-application for an update.
  • After the final geolocation, I did not have to look for a totem plate. Why not?

    Some of our older hunts do not yet have a totem plate. The hunt you have just finished was probably one of them.
  • The QR code or the final totem plate cannot be found, what can I do to continue/end the hunt anyway?

    Are you sure you have searched properly? 😉 Unfortunately, some QR codes may disappear. If this is the case, we would be grateful if you could let us know. However, you can skip this step by clicking on the link under the button "scan QR code".
  • Is it possible to interrupt a Totemus treasure hunt and continue it later?

    Of course! Your progress is automatically saved and you can continue it later whenever you want.
  • How long does a hunt last?

    This is a difficult question to answer. Depending on whether you're alone or accompanied by children, for example, you won't progress at the same speed. It's also possible that you'll take breaks or that you'll take more or less time to discover each stage of your hunt.On average, you should expect to spend 1h-1h15 for 3kms.
  • Is the application free?

    Yes, the Totemus application is completely free :)
  • What is the purpose of virtual badges?

    Badges generate additional toteez. Completing a mission entitles you to the associated badge and additional toteez.
  • Do I need special equipment to take part in the hunts?

    To take part, all you need is a smartphone with an internet connection.
  • What are the toteez for?

    Toteez are our virtual currency. Participants can exchange their toteez in the "Gift Cave" for gift vouchers valid at our partners' stores, or for physical badges featuring the totems.
  • Is there a real totem to be found?

    No, the totem pole is virtual and will be included in your profile inventory. It is, however, symbolized by a metal plate containing a QR code to be scanned, hidden near the end point of the hunt.
  • Can I participate in a hunt whenever I want?

    Yes, the hunts are available 24 hours a day, and all the locations are public and accessible at all times.
  • What do the pictograms on the hunt description sheet mean?

    Our pictograms indicate the conditions under which hunting can take place: on foot, by bike, with pushchairs/toddlers, or by car only.
  • I've finished a hunt, can I start it again?

    Yes, the application lets you restart a hunt as many times as you like. Please note, however, that you will no longer earn the totem and toteez associated with that hunt.
  • How can I get physical badges featuring the totems?

    Physical badges (pins) featuring the totems are available, to be given to children as rewards at the end of the hunt. They can be exchanged for toteez in the "Gift Cave". For certain hunts, where indicated in the additional information on the route, they can also be obtained free of charge at the tourist information point, subject to availability.
  • Is the application free?

    Yes, the Totemus application is completely free :)
  • What is the purpose of virtual badges?

    Badges generate additional toteez. Completing a mission entitles you to the associated badge and additional toteez.
  • What are the toteez for?

    Toteez are our virtual currency. Participants can exchange their toteez in the "Gift Cave" for gift vouchers valid at our partners' stores, or for physical badges featuring the totems.
  • Is there a real totem to be found?

    No, the totem pole is virtual and will be included in your profile inventory. It is, however, symbolized by a metal plate containing a QR code to be scanned, hidden near the end point of the hunt.
  • I've finished a hunt, can I start it again?

    Yes, the application lets you restart a hunt as many times as you like. Please note, however, that you will no longer earn the totem and toteez associated with that hunt.
  • Can I take part in a hunt with my dog?

    Of course, unless otherwise indicated in the hunt information, you can take your dog with you on the Totemus courses. Just make sure you keep your dog on a leash and pick up after it. Remember to check whether the hunt is suitable for your pet in the hunt description, according to the elevation gain, distance and additional information.
  • Is the application free?

    Yes, the Totemus application is completely free :)
  • Do I need special equipment to take part in the hunts?

    To take part, all you need is a smartphone with an internet connection.