Emilien D.
Chasse vraiment très agréable, courte mais efficace, les informations ne sont pas lourdes, elle ne fait pas trop urbaine 😉
This treasure hunt will take you on an exploration of the town centre, its history and its subtle blend of ancient and modern. The treasure hunt starts at the gates of the ramparts of this small town, sometimes called ” Charme en Famenne “!
This treasure hunt has been arranged in collaboration with:
This treasure hunt has been arranged in collaboration with:
Place de l'Etang 15, 6900 Marche-en-Famenne
Maison du Tourisme Famenne Ardenne Ourthe & Lesse
This hunt will make you win
70 toteez
The hunt is 100% free !
To participate in our hunts, download our app on your smartphone and have fun !
Open this hunt on my phone!
No planned downtime at the moment
What will the weather be like in Marche-en-Famenne in the next 5 days?
8.340 participants on the route